Monday, April 6, 2009

Unknown Date

After several days, I finally made it into the Lure.

Unlike the pirates of Freeport, these seafarers are sharp as tacks, and though they couldn't actually pierce the Veil of Luclin with their eyes, one was able to know I was there by instinct.

Such a display of instinct gives me hope.

And so now...I am part of the Faullen, former crew of some ship lost to the raging seas. While my voice is darker than theirs, and my words more eloquent, I'm finding a place within call my own. Though many are younger and less experienced, I've found all have something to share, and are naut...daft...enough to ignore my words.

Once things were square with them, Aelfric took me across the Sea of Mists to the Lost Villiage of Bobick and the Enchanted Lands.

The journey there was harsh, nearly halted by a demon lord who was none to fond of the Fae who escorted us into the Mists. But he became short work, and the last part of our journey was peaceful; it's been the first boat ride I could sit back and enjoy, and I found myself drawn to it, just as the crew back in Qeynos had spoken of so many times.

I spent my hours balancing along the rails, crawling up the lines, and perching on the sails to watch our surroundings. When you're above the sea, with the wind washing over you like the sea washes over the ship's hull, it's almost magic. Part of me felt I could release the lines on the mast, spread my arms and the wind would carry me away to someplace new; part of me thought I could see forever if I just kept my eyes open.

When the ship broke through the mists, and the Enchanted Lands lay before us, I nearly fainted - which would have been tragic as I was balanced on the highest sail.

Glittering blue-green water for miles, shimmering gold dust beaches with tangles of beautiful green forest kissing them...for the first time, I could feel what Aelfric had described when he spoke of Nature. But it wasn't just some distant mental picture, it was alive and pulsing with power I'd never knew possible.

At first we remained on the pier - I think he knew that I was over-whelmed by the voyage and our arrival. He introduced me to the halflings that tended the docks and sold their wares; though I find them unsettling, they were naut horribly angry at me as others of their race were. Once I felt up to it, we ventured out into the surrounding areas to explore.

The first night, I had a dream.

I was sitting across from a woman, a Koada`Dal of some age; she was elegently dressed, with her pale blonde hair pulled up into a nest of curls at her crown. Her eyes were bright blue and full of a clam I could only wish to possess in my lifetime; she smiled faintly as we spoke, holding my hand gently with her own.

As the dream progressed, as we spoke to one another, I watched my skin lighten. It became a pale indigo, and then it seemed as though all traces of darkness were gone from it. The only thing that remained the same were the violet eyes, but even they were changed - they were bright not with the Fires of Hate, but with something else.

The words are unclear to me in the waking world, but something of them lingers within me.

Over the next few nights, the dream repeated itself to me. Aelfric told me I would murmer in my sleep, but naut in Thexian or Common; when I told him of the dream, he helped me find several fragments of a Koada`Dal's bones.

When I put the pieces together, there was a flash and I was left with a small, blackened stone of some sort and a different fragment. Aelfric taught me to use the stone to become the way I saw myself in the dreams - though merely an illusion for now, I find myself feeling much different when I reside within it. is still difficult to fight the indoctrination of the Teir`Dal; I still would find myself staring at one of the poor halflings, the desire to rip them apart and feast upon their flesh forcing itself into my mind. But that's naut what I desire to do, and so I've begun a long fight to escape Hate's Grasp and find the answers the women in the dream held.

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